2017 Meteor Festival, Bergen
2017 Groups exhibition at USF during the Arabic Film festival
2017 Laboratroy of constructing the future, B-open/Stiftelsen 3,14
2017 Laboratory of restructuring, at The Public Library during The Climate Festival
2017 Two seminars produced by Eritreisk Kvinneunion, Norsk Kvinnesaksforening og Soups&Stories
2016 Debate on Politics and Love, The House of Literature in Bergen
2016 Soups&Stories dialoge at the Peoples Museum in Birzeit, Palestina
2016 Soups&Stories dialoge at Artic Artforum, Arkhangelsk/Russia
2016 Demonstration/visual statement against rape, Public square in Bergen.
2016 Performance TROUBLED WATER and S&S Dialogue
2016 Soups&Stores guesthouse partner with the Stiftelsen 3,14 (Foundation 3,14)
2016 Reenactment of dialogues in public space. In cooperation with United Nation association Norway
2016 The Treehuggers Dialogue part III and IIII at the Foundation of 3,14 in Bergen. In cooperation with Radio Hopes And Dreams, and Clay-Sculpture-and-Bread-Community
2015 The Treehuggers Dialogue part IIat the Foundation of 3,14 in Bergen. Part of the exhibition "MOTHER TONGUE"
Turkish Contemporary Art. A VISUAL JOURNEY INSIDE HERITAGE, GENDER, POLITICS & WAR. In cooperation with Radio Hopes And Dreams, and Clay-Sculpture-and-Bread-Community
2015 The Treehuggers Dialogue part I at the Foundation of 3,14 in Bergen. Part of Alfredo Jaar’s 22 Women exhibit and Vandana Shiva’s visit to gallery.
In cooperation with Radio Hopes And Dreams, and Clay-Sculpture-and-Bread-Community
2015 A four days extended performance program during the Agalaus Festival at Voss. In cooperation with the Kari Helena Skogseid and many others ( for more information look at list of projects)
2014 Performance at Festplassen during the Cultural Night in Bergen. In cooperation with 54 different people living in the city marking the number of rapes reported in the city so fare that year.
2014 Buss performance based upon personal stories from the Soups&Storie group performed by 4 actors. In cooperation with Bergen art assosiation (B-open)
2013 Dialogue with Berith Furu at the new Library at Voss.In cooperation with the municipal of Voss
2013 Performance dialogue with the Salhus theater group telling personal stories from 5 immigrants living in Bergen. Performed in a tent during the Cultural days in Åsane. In cooperation with United Nation association Norway
2013 Establishes in January a fixed group of women; Tonje Cecilie Indrøy, Shahnaz Amin Haaq, Torill Inversen Wanevik, Rita Agdal, Kwestan Jamal and Mekdes W Shbeta.
2013 PopUp dialogue performances on public transportation. in cooperation with artist duo from Indonesia; Tita Salin and Irwan Ahmett
2012 Dialogue with Ali Watti and Susi Law staged in The Music Pavillion in Bergen. In cooperation with United Nation association Norway
2012 Dialogue with Synnøve Kvamme and Susi Law staged in a tent in a city park during Cultural Night of Bergen. In cooperation with Bergen art assosiation (B-open)
2012 Performance dialogue with Arild Brakstad in our studio in Bergen. In cooperation with Bergen art assosiation (B-open)
The project- leaders: Gitte Sætre (left) and Katrine Meisfjord (right). Foto Savas Boyraz, 2014