Arabic Filmfestiva. USF Verftet, 2018
Dialogue in a Mongolian yurt about local democracy.
We were invited to create a space for conversations and sharing of personal stories during the three days program of the festival. We contributed with five different events where a Mongolian yurt was the plattform for gatherings. The first evening we invited the audience of the festival and passer bys to write a comment on the walls of the yurt. Afterwards they were invited inside to drink tea and share personal stories and associations to certain words. The second day we invited to a fish ball event, where 5 young girls from our group had prepared a conversation, where the audience were invited to join in. In the evening we had a for party for the real party (festival), where we organized games. Great fun! Sunday was the last day of the festival and the day that we organized a conversation event connected to a festival seminar. For one and a half hour participants shared stories, ideas and hopes in small groups of three.
Kampens Etterspill (USF VERFTET)
Meteor Festivalen 2017
22 oktober kl. 15.00 til 18.00
Meteor Festivalen 2017
22 oktober kl. 15.00 til 18.00
Photo: Adriana Alves
Etter fem år med dialoger i egen by har det dialogbaserte kunstprosjektet Soups&Stories blitt invitert til den niende utgaven av festivalen. Utgangspunktet for dette dialogseminaret er den rwandiske koreografen Dorothée Munyaneza sin forestilling Unwanted. BIT Teatergarasje har gitt Soups&Stories oppgaven å utforme et seminar basert på et ønske om en dialog lokalt omkring kvinners erfaringer fra krig parallelt med kvinners kamp i hverdagen. Soups&Stories har samarbeidet med flere ulike kvinnepolitiske grupper i Bergen i mange år og har lang erfaring og nettverk. I Kampens Etterspill blir både ungdommer og voksne fra Eritreisk Kvinne Union spurt om å til å dele personlige historier basert på Dorothée Munyanezas tematiske univers. Publikum vil også få mulighet til å samtale rundt dagsaktuelle kvinnepolitiske spørsmål.
B-open på 3,14. April 2017
En dialog mellom Salih Muslim fra ’The Democratic Union Party (PYD) og kunstneren Jonal Staal. Fremført av Soups&Stories.
Dialogen ’Framtidslaboratoriet’ og lansering av podcastserien Radio Luftballett, som vil følge prosessen rundt OPPROP FOR OMSTILLING med 1000 brennende spørsmål om det grønne skiftet.
Performancen 'New Worlds' en performativt formidling av kanskje vår tids mest radikale politiske prosjektet, PYD og PYJ, hvor vi gjenskaper en samtale mellom medlemmer i den nasjonale koordinasjonskomiteen for demokratisk endring som snakker om statsløst demokrati og selvstyrte regioner hvor rammeverket er likestilling, lokal økonomistyring, sekularitet og kulturell og religiøst mangfold.
Våre spesielt inviterte gjester: Arild Hermstad -Miljøpartiet De Grønnes førstekandidat i Hordaland til Stortingsvalget 2017, veterinær Lene Høgset -rådgiver innen lakseoppdrettsnæringen på Vestlandet og arkitekt og styremedlem i Internasjonal Kvinneliga for Fred og Frihet Susanne Urban. De vil dele en brennende statusrapport for så å si noe om hvordan de håper at situasjonen ser ut i 2030.
Dialogen ’Framtidslaboratoriet’ og lansering av podcastserien Radio Luftballett, som vil følge prosessen rundt OPPROP FOR OMSTILLING med 1000 brennende spørsmål om det grønne skiftet.
Performancen 'New Worlds' en performativt formidling av kanskje vår tids mest radikale politiske prosjektet, PYD og PYJ, hvor vi gjenskaper en samtale mellom medlemmer i den nasjonale koordinasjonskomiteen for demokratisk endring som snakker om statsløst demokrati og selvstyrte regioner hvor rammeverket er likestilling, lokal økonomistyring, sekularitet og kulturell og religiøst mangfold.
Våre spesielt inviterte gjester: Arild Hermstad -Miljøpartiet De Grønnes førstekandidat i Hordaland til Stortingsvalget 2017, veterinær Lene Høgset -rådgiver innen lakseoppdrettsnæringen på Vestlandet og arkitekt og styremedlem i Internasjonal Kvinneliga for Fred og Frihet Susanne Urban. De vil dele en brennende statusrapport for så å si noe om hvordan de håper at situasjonen ser ut i 2030.
Mitt skip er lastet med. (USF VERFTET)
Saturday 8.4.17, kl. 12.00 – 15.00
The exhibition في مكان آخر (Elsewhere) investigates ‘area’ as concept, and takes a look at the metaphorical, social, physical and emotional boundaries of areas. I Soups&Stories; Mitt skip er lastet med, we invite you to find your place on the Persian rugs and take part in an informal dialogue about different experiences related to the phrase 'elsewhere'. In what way does our stories relate to each other? The rugs are borrowed from different homes in Bergen, and in the background we show Frans Jacobis film FUTURE. VISION. HOPE. TRUST. DIALOGUE. WE. The dialogue is followed by a serving of Turkish soup to all participating guests.
Norsk tekst:
Utstillingen في مكان آخر (Annensteds), USF Verftet, i forbindelse med Arabiske filmdager i Bergen problematiserer idéen om områder og deres politiske, metaforiske, sosiale, fysiske og følelsesmessige avgrensninger.
I Soups&Stories; Mitt skip er lastet med, spør vi hvilke assosiasjoner fra eget liv du får til uttrykket Annetsteds. Ungdommer i Bergen starter med å dele sine erfaringer, for deretter å sende stafettpinnen ut blant deltagere. Gruppeutstillingen undersøker område som begrep og områders politiske, metaforiske, sosiale, fysiske og følelsesmessige avgrensninger. Utstillingen vil vise verk av kunstnere som har tilknytning til Bergen, men også til den arabiske verden enten gjennom opphav, livserfaringer eller kunstnerisk fokus.
Kuratert av Jane Sverdrupsen.
Video erk i rommet var lånt av Frans Jacobi 'FUTURE. VISION. HOPE. TRUST. DIALOGUE. WE.' (Video, 7:58 min., 2016)
Arabiske filmdager, 6-8 april
-sosialt og faglig møte mellom eritreiske og norske kvinner som bor i Bergen.
Temaene barneoppdragelse og samliv.
Forsker Hilde Danielsen holdt et innledende foredrag om Norsk Likestillingshistorie, barnekonvensjonen og sosiale normer innen familien i Norge.
sosialt og faglig møte mellom eritreiske og norske kvinner som bor i Bergen.
Tema: betydningen av frie valg og valgresultater for den enkelte og for samfunnet.
Forsker Ragnhild Muriaas holdt en innledende foredrag om de politiske partiene i Norge. Hva de står for og hvordan demokratiet er bygget opp og viktigheten av å bruke sin stemmerett. Etterfulgt av spørsmål og svar og mindre samtalegrupper.
sosialt og faglig møte mellom eritreiske og norske kvinner som bor i Bergen.
Tema: betydningen av frie valg og valgresultater for den enkelte og for samfunnet.
Forsker Ragnhild Muriaas holdt en innledende foredrag om de politiske partiene i Norge. Hva de står for og hvordan demokratiet er bygget opp og viktigheten av å bruke sin stemmerett. Etterfulgt av spørsmål og svar og mindre samtalegrupper.
-During the Climate Festival, 2017
Transformation laboratory” /Omstillingslaboratorium on January 24th. The laboratory invited enthusiasts, transformation pioneers and artists in Western Norway to “a think tank where we together methodically hunt for the really good questions”
Ahead of parliamentary elections in September 2017. A call for RESTRUCTURING our society has been initiated from the Bergen art scene.
Treehuggers dialogue (KUNSTHALL 3.14 LIVE)
Offentlig dialogmøte I
For the opening 3,14 invited the Indian scholar, environmental activist and anti-globalization author, Vandana Shiva to talk about her work within eco-feministic . The dialog based art project Soups&Stories, "Radio Hopes and Dreams and Clay-Sculpture-and-Bread-Community got the honor together with 45 people from Bergen to ground the topic within a local context. Soups&Stories, "Radio Hopes and Dreams and Clay-Sculpture-and-Bread-Community think of our projects like an Ecovillage where people can come together to inhabit a utopian space. We seek, in a solution-oriented mode. The dialog theory we used for the Treehugges dialogue is inspired by a college of Vandana Shiva, David Boom. Together with him we look upon dialog as a tool for social change have fascinated many philosophers through history Plato vis-à-vis Socratic method, Martin Buber, Jurgen Habermas among many others.
The quality of dialog is a democratic and humble transformation of knowledge where the participants gain over time a greater understanding of differences, resulting in a common deep awareness of multiple positions to behold. A value needed in our global diverse world. The team was about feminism and ecology and we hope to facilitate creative thinking. We argue that feminism and ecology are issues of central importance in our time. Liste to the dialogue:
Foto: Adriana Alves
Foto: Adriana Alves
Offentlig dialogmøte II
What if global warming isn’t a crisis?
What if it’s the best chance we have to make a better world?
Offentlig dialogmøte II
What if global warming isn’t a crisis?
What if it’s the best chance we have to make a better world?
Soups & Stories and Radio Hopes & Dreams facilitated a dialogue— on the occasion of the close of the Paris Climate Conference, COP21. The dialogue was held in the gallery space for Mother Tongue, an exhibition of contemporary art from Turkey. Our conversation about global warming and the results of COP21 was not directed only at environmental issues but also seek to include related crises, particularly the refugee crisis. As organizers we promote, support, and broadcast many different types of projects, but one of our central motifs is the "dialogue." This is, simply put, a group of people coming together in a circle to talk. We believe that the time has come to focus our creative energies not on the failures of the past (though we do not shy away from these nor seek to forgive or obscure them) but on the possibilities of the present and future. Within the field of art we have a long tradition of critical thinking, and the dialogue allows us to challenge our intellect and the field of interdisciplinary work by using thinking and talking as a method of working. Our last event encouraged us to facilitate another and to experiment further with new group dialogue techniques. We will not overwhelm you with information. Instead, we will try to gently lead you through the topics of engagement with personal stories by participants including Ragnhild Frengen Dale, Erik F. Reitan, and Sait Matty Jaw.
If you participate in the event, you have accepted global warming as a reality and we, together, will attempt to find a way to smile in the context of our dire circumstance. We will not force you to be contemplative; a dialogue can also include confrontation. We will simply create an atmosphere in which participants can listen, respond, and adapt. The goal is not to persuade or express opinions; the goal is to create a community where we can come together to mourn our predicament and find ways to smile not in spite of it, but in light of it.
On 13 December.2014—the 2nd Sunday in Advent—we will know the outcome of the Paris Climate Conference, COP21. We can say without exaggeration, that the results of the climate talks are essential to the future of our shared world. But regardless of what happens at the close of COP21, the wheels of western capitalism will continue to roll on steadily with stores open on Sunday for Christmas shopping in Bergen. True to our commitment to collaboration with others working to build an awareness of community, for this event we have asked the art project Spikersuppa, run by Linda M. Westgaard, to provide us food for our stomachs as well as our souls. Linda M. Westgaard will be orchestrating the evening’s soup and she kindly asks all participants to bring one vegetable to add to the pot.
Offentligdialogmøte III
Performance and Dialogue
By Amr Abou Chakra, Isan Maher, Al Harris Al Shoufi, Frans Jacobi and Gitte Sætre. They take us on a journey on troubled waters from Europe where a meteor is on it’s way and the Europeans are now fleeing to the Middle East for rescue. What will happen?
Offentligdialogmøte III
Performance and Dialogue
By Amr Abou Chakra, Isan Maher, Al Harris Al Shoufi, Frans Jacobi and Gitte Sætre. They take us on a journey on troubled waters from Europe where a meteor is on it’s way and the Europeans are now fleeing to the Middle East for rescue. What will happen?
The performance created the basis of our dialogue where we shared experiences on how to coexist within a society (Bergen) we have a great variety of cultural and personal background and religious beliefs. SOUP, MUSIC and DIALOGUE on the theme "Insisting to be". Soups&Stories have experimented with various methods of exchanging personal stories and experience. In short a dialogue is an investigative and experimental group conversation with a nonhierarchical structure where consensus is not the goal. Dialogues create a context for conversation in which new and nuanced insights into local and international issues can emerge. The point is not to agree or win over others to one’s point of view; rather it is too listen to each other and share perceptions, experiences, and worldviews.
The people behind the Troubled Water performance was Amr Abou Chakra and Al Harris Al Shoufi . Furthermore Frans Jacobi an artist and a professor in Time Based Art at Institutt of Art (UIB). Gitte Sætre an artist based in Bergen, she is one of the main figures behind Soups&Stories and she works at Stiftelsen 3,14 as communication and debate editor.
Soups&Stories goes to Palestine (PEOPLES MUSEUM)
Soups&Stories and Frans Jacobi at the Peoples Museum in Birzeit. An art project initiated by the Danish artgroups YNKB (Kirsten Dufour and Finn Thybo Andersen) and Parfyme (Pelle Brage Andersen and Laurids Sonn) in collaboration with Palestinian artists: Majdi Hadid, Hosni Radwan and Haneen Masri. The idea of the museum is to create a “from bottom up” museum, which represents a collection of items, histories and memories of the residents in a specific locality in Palestine. The form, the site and the collected items are decided upon through a dialogue so this was the perfect location for Soups&Stroies. A group of 19 people talked for about 3 hours about the meaning of the word WE.
Soups&Stories goes to Arctic Artforum Arkhangelsk, Russia
The invitation to participate came from the curatorial team Christina Grishchuk and Ekaterina Sharov on the basis of their desire for increased dialogue between people in general in the Artic and especially between cultural workers. Dialogue is particularly important in an area where major changes in near future. Our questions were based on Soups & Stories philosophy that knowledge lays in own personal experiences in addition to the context Artic Art-forum, namely a desire to increase participation in city and community planning in the Artic.T Soups&Stories was invited to Arkhangelsk on behalf of the format and methods of our project.
We facilitate a dialogue and the questions we asked was:
Which place do you feel that you belong to?
If you think about the place you belong to what do you feel you might owe / give to that place?
Do you feel that the place and it´s people give you the space and acknowledgment you need in order to become who you would like to be?деньдень
Soups&Stories supports the demonstration Rettssikkerhet for kvinner, Monday 8. August. 2016. In support of Andrea Voll Voldum. Three men in their 30s were in July for the second time acquitted in Court of Appeal after being accused of having drugged and gang raped Andrea (21) in Hemsedal two years ago.
All professional judges voted for conviction, but there were lay judges, that ordinary people, who voted to acquit the men.
All professional judges voted for conviction, but there were lay judges, that ordinary people, who voted to acquit the men.
Analogue Hacking (PUBLIC SPACE)
Foto: Tarjei Neverdal
A analogue hacking stunt around Lille Lungegårdsvannet; a flash mob. Combining quality family time with green commitment. Arranging a parole workshop outside the Art Museum and infiltrated the 30,000 people that showed up for the Light festival. It undoubtedly looked like the most well organized demonstration in Bergen ever (unfortunately hacking was needed). We asked: Do you dare to talk to children about how the future will look if PARIS SUMMIT turns out to be another joke?
life matters!
life matters!
The Art of Dialogue (GALLERY BASEMENT)
Soups&Stories goes to Voss. The AGALAUS festival
This was a 3 days experimental performance with live reading, DJ playing of recorded storers, adhoc dialogue, vocal training, dansing, eating together, dressing up as your alter ego and slam poetry.
Torsdag den 28.mai
15.00 til 18.00 Publikum inviteres til å komme å dele en historie til Soups&Stories arkivet.
18.00 til 21.000 ‘En historie som ikke bare en min Gunn Bente Knutsen fra
Hammerfest forteller om hvordan det er å leve med en voldsmann, om livet på et krisesenter, det juridiske systemet eller mangelen av det, barns lojalitet til foreldre, og hvordan komme seg videre med livet sitt.
19.00 til 21.00 Samtale mellom gjester og publikum
Vi serverer suppe fra kl 15.00 til kl 21.00
Fredag den 29.mai
13.00 til 14.00 Samtale mellom Soups&Stories v/Gitte Sætre og Radio Hopes & Dreams v/Alicia Cohen og Margrethe Brekke.
Tema: økologi- feminisme- positivitet
15.00 til 18.00 Soups&Stories performance
18.00 til 19.00 Historier fra India. Kavitha Balakrishnan
21.00 Dj aften for Utålmodige mennesker
Lørdag den 30.mai
11.00 til 13.30 Slipp stemmen fri! Stemmens uttrykk bak de vanlige ordene. Et møte mellom østlig og vestlig sangtradisjon, mellom kraft og varhet. Publikum inviteres med. Kom da helst fra starten. Veileder: Stemmeterapeut Kari Helena Skogseid
13.30 til 16.00 Soups&Stories performance
16.oo til 17.00 Slipp stemmen fri; ny session med Kari Helena Skogseid.
Maks 12 deltagere
Søndag den 31.mai
12.00 til 14.00 Slipp stemmen fri! Stemmens uttrykk bak de vanlige ordene. Et møte mellom østlig og vestlig sangtradisjon, mellom kraft og varhet. Publikum inviteres med. Kom da helst fra starten. Veileder: Stemmeterapeut Kari Helena Skogseid
14.00 til 17.00 Soups&Stories performance
15.00 til 18.00 Publikum inviteres til å komme å dele en historie til Soups&Stories arkivet.
18.00 til 21.000 ‘En historie som ikke bare en min Gunn Bente Knutsen fra
Hammerfest forteller om hvordan det er å leve med en voldsmann, om livet på et krisesenter, det juridiske systemet eller mangelen av det, barns lojalitet til foreldre, og hvordan komme seg videre med livet sitt.
19.00 til 21.00 Samtale mellom gjester og publikum
Vi serverer suppe fra kl 15.00 til kl 21.00
Fredag den 29.mai
13.00 til 14.00 Samtale mellom Soups&Stories v/Gitte Sætre og Radio Hopes & Dreams v/Alicia Cohen og Margrethe Brekke.
Tema: økologi- feminisme- positivitet
15.00 til 18.00 Soups&Stories performance
18.00 til 19.00 Historier fra India. Kavitha Balakrishnan
21.00 Dj aften for Utålmodige mennesker
Lørdag den 30.mai
11.00 til 13.30 Slipp stemmen fri! Stemmens uttrykk bak de vanlige ordene. Et møte mellom østlig og vestlig sangtradisjon, mellom kraft og varhet. Publikum inviteres med. Kom da helst fra starten. Veileder: Stemmeterapeut Kari Helena Skogseid
13.30 til 16.00 Soups&Stories performance
16.oo til 17.00 Slipp stemmen fri; ny session med Kari Helena Skogseid.
Maks 12 deltagere
Søndag den 31.mai
12.00 til 14.00 Slipp stemmen fri! Stemmens uttrykk bak de vanlige ordene. Et møte mellom østlig og vestlig sangtradisjon, mellom kraft og varhet. Publikum inviteres med. Kom da helst fra starten. Veileder: Stemmeterapeut Kari Helena Skogseid
14.00 til 17.00 Soups&Stories performance
I 2015 er det 50 år sidan Kjartan Slettemark sitt Vietnam-bilete vart øydelagd av ein mann med øks. Gjennom Agalaus vil VOSS kunstlag utforska om kunst kan skapa slike reaksjonar i dag. Agalaus vil visa visuell kunst som er uredd og ustyrleg, som rører og provoserer. 40 ulike nasjonale og internasjonale kunstprosjekt blir presentert.
Soups&Stories gives a portrett of the the project in:
Visiting a seminar at the school of finance
Performance during the Night of Cultur, main square of Bergen (Festplassen)
Performance på Festplassen markerte at i løpet av de første 7 mnd av 2014 var det anmeldt 58 voldtekter i Bergen kommune, i tillegg er det anmeldt 7 forsøk på voldtekt. Vi samlet 58 gutter, jenter, kvinner og menn til år representere antallet. Performancen satt fokus på at voldtekt er en forbrytelse som påvirker ens personlige frihet, moral og karakter- den groveste krenkelsen av menneskeverdet og gir like alvorlige symptomer som reaksjoner etter naturkatastrofer, krig og tortur. Voldtekt har ingenting med religion, kultur eller sex å gjøre. Det handler om forbryteren selv og samfunnet rundt som legger mye av ansvaret på den som blir voldtatt.
Performance på Festplassen markerte at i løpet av de første 7 mnd av 2014 var det anmeldt 58 voldtekter i Bergen kommune, i tillegg er det anmeldt 7 forsøk på voldtekt. Vi samlet 58 gutter, jenter, kvinner og menn til år representere antallet. Performancen satt fokus på at voldtekt er en forbrytelse som påvirker ens personlige frihet, moral og karakter- den groveste krenkelsen av menneskeverdet og gir like alvorlige symptomer som reaksjoner etter naturkatastrofer, krig og tortur. Voldtekt har ingenting med religion, kultur eller sex å gjøre. Det handler om forbryteren selv og samfunnet rundt som legger mye av ansvaret på den som blir voldtatt.
Soups&Stories under B-Open helgen, 2014
Under B-Open helgen arrangerte Soups&Stores performance på buss som gikk mellom atelier fellesskapene i byen.
På bussen deles utdrag fra dialoger gruppen har hatt rundt temaene samliv, kjønn og identitet. Utdrag fra samtaler kunstnerne Gitte Sætre og Katrine Meisfjord har hatt sammen med med 10 andre kvinner siden januar i år.
Under B-Open helgen arrangerte Soups&Stores performance på buss som gikk mellom atelier fellesskapene i byen.
På bussen deles utdrag fra dialoger gruppen har hatt rundt temaene samliv, kjønn og identitet. Utdrag fra samtaler kunstnerne Gitte Sætre og Katrine Meisfjord har hatt sammen med med 10 andre kvinner siden januar i år.
Stories behind (PUBLIC SPACE)
The artist couple Tita Salina and Irwan Ahmett went together with Katrine Meisfjord and Gitte Sætre unto different public transportation and performed. Between 9AM and 5 PM we experimented with different methods of talking and make people listen to different tabus in society. This day was one of the most challenging days in the history of Soups&Stories.
Private dialogue (ALVØEN)
Dialogues in each others homes
The projects take place in people’s homes, at galleries, museums and other public venues. The venues chosen are meant to support the theme of the gatherings: in people’s homes, which say something about the people who live there; in museums, where the stories may influence visitors’ interpretation of the items on display or in other public venues where the staging is meant to influence the atmosphere of the gathering. Engaging public interest and audience participation is key.
The projects take place in people’s homes, at galleries, museums and other public venues. The venues chosen are meant to support the theme of the gatherings: in people’s homes, which say something about the people who live there; in museums, where the stories may influence visitors’ interpretation of the items on display or in other public venues where the staging is meant to influence the atmosphere of the gathering. Engaging public interest and audience participation is key.
Political engagement (PUPBLIC SPACE)
A gatherings staged in public spaces. Two persons was invited to share their personal stories on pressing social issues. Sushi Law and Sunnøve Kvamme talked about how they become aware of the political and how they got themselves started to thinking about being active in their community. The conversation was held in the city park inside a lava during the annual cultural night. Soups&Stories had worked with them and their stories for some time before they presented it for the public
Integration (PUBLIC SPACE)
This was a meeting between 4 women that Soups&Stories had worked with over time and a local teater group. We had worked with them and their story in order to present it as clear and processed as possible. The owner of the stories eventually read them out loud. The actors of Salhus teater group eventually performed them at a event later that month.This was the first time we tried out this format. And it turned out to be a way to move a personal trauma from the body and into a public space. Into something that belonged to the past, into something that made it easier to learn from and reflex upon.
It was very emotional for the audience to listen to. It felt meaningful for the owner and the actor of the stories. Katrine and I felt that this was a time consuming and heavy job, but the uttermost meaningful for all the people involved. This was maybe the project that made us want to work with people over time. It turned us to the next project.
It was very emotional for the audience to listen to. It felt meaningful for the owner and the actor of the stories. Katrine and I felt that this was a time consuming and heavy job, but the uttermost meaningful for all the people involved. This was maybe the project that made us want to work with people over time. It turned us to the next project.
A woman born in 1942 telling the young generation about the struggle of being a woman back in the days
The Municipal of Voss invited Soups&Stories to come and find a person in Voss who would like to tell their story to the public. We made some hunting about and ended up working together withe a woman who was born in Voss and that had left when she got married and moved back when she got divorced. Brit Furu told the story of her life as a married woman, her way to education and her long way to become a independent woman. She had a lot of experiences and reflections that she strongly wanted to pass on the the young generation. They on the other hand felt it a bit moralistic and judgmental. Soups&Stories found the meeting between them interesting in many ways. The topics that was stored up in this project needs to be talked about.
The Municipal of Voss invited Soups&Stories to come and find a person in Voss who would like to tell their story to the public. We made some hunting about and ended up working together withe a woman who was born in Voss and that had left when she got married and moved back when she got divorced. Brit Furu told the story of her life as a married woman, her way to education and her long way to become a independent woman. She had a lot of experiences and reflections that she strongly wanted to pass on the the young generation. They on the other hand felt it a bit moralistic and judgmental. Soups&Stories found the meeting between them interesting in many ways. The topics that was stored up in this project needs to be talked about.
Political Engagement (PUPLIC SPACE)
Stories are being told in the Music Pavillon in the center of Bergen and the stories are infiltrating the city center tru speakers and visual gestures...
Ali Watti and Susi Law were telling their story of how they got engaged in their communities and the local is global. It was important stories that we felt people should listen to and we forced people to listen to it by placing speakers in the public city park. Staging the scene influenced the atmosphere of the gathering. Engaging public interest and audience participation is key to us and in this project we experimented with the space and the the transparency between the privat and the public, the city landscape and it´s people, between the cold winter evening and the worm gathering , between gender, between the local and the global. It was dam cold but a beautiful night.
Ali Watti and Susi Law were telling their story of how they got engaged in their communities and the local is global. It was important stories that we felt people should listen to and we forced people to listen to it by placing speakers in the public city park. Staging the scene influenced the atmosphere of the gathering. Engaging public interest and audience participation is key to us and in this project we experimented with the space and the the transparency between the privat and the public, the city landscape and it´s people, between the cold winter evening and the worm gathering , between gender, between the local and the global. It was dam cold but a beautiful night.